Advent Calendar Day 20: Green Aventurine

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

December 20: the advent calendar revealed a rough-cut green aventurine on December 5. This time, it's a cabochon, and you're about to find out more about this gemstone that is associated with abundance and prosperity. Believed to be a very old crystal, green aventurine was used by Ethiopians to make various tools such as axes. Ancient Tibetans adorned their statues with it as a symbol of divinity and spiritual enlightenment, and because they believed it would increase their powers ⚡️

Green Aventurine is versatile and subtly elegant with different hues and shades. For millennia, it has been considered the "Stone of Opportunity", attracting wealth and success for its user. Some people tape it to their phones to guard them against its electromagnetic emanations. Healers allege green aventurine stimulates life-giving energy, assists in treating the nervous system, and increases the effect of homeopathic remedies with its anti-inflammatory properties. A stone to comfort the heart, it soothes emotional wounds and reaffirms sentiments of joy and hope with its grounding properties ✨

It is said that green aventurine is linked to several Zodiac signs, ruled by Venus, especially Virgo ♍️ and Libra ♎️. Also called "fairy treasure", used in magical rituals to invite more riches in, this gem is well-suited to serve Capricorns ♑️ because it brings a sense of calm, balances the mind, and is aligned with this sign's career-focused energy ⚡️

Another 4 stones to discover till December 24. Curious about the next disclosure?

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