White Creamy Sauce

Friday, August 20, 2021
The ingredients

What you need:

25 grams of butter

1 tea spoon of vegetable oil (I used coconut oil)

2 tablespoons of all purpose flour

1/2 cup of milk (I use half skimmed but any kind will do)

Pinch of salt

Nutmeg to taste


Put the butter and the oil in the pan / pot. The little amount of added oil will avoid that the butter burns since it withstands higher temperature. Canola oil is best in this case. Avoid olive oil. When the butter is completely melted, add the flour. Mix over low to medium heat. We don’t want any “accident” so feel free to lower the heat or even turn it off until you get what is called a “roux”, which is a sort of paste (see first picture).

Add the milk little by little and whisk. Keep whisking until no lumps remain. Add the nutmeg and salt to taste. Turn the heat back on or higher it if it wasn’t turned off and keep whisking until the sauce has thickened. Et voilà!


This sauce goes well with pasta and other dishes. You can make larger quantities depending on your needs. This was for 200 grams of pasta (2-3 servings). I chose some broccoli made pasta to go with it. And topped it with some grated cheese. I was hungry and in a hurry, so I served the dish as such. You can put that mix in the oven for a nice gratin or use the sauce for a hearty lasagna. Get creative and share your concoctions with me! Bon appétit!

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