Vikings: Valhalla

Wednesday, May 4, 2022
Black Crow - VIking Tattoo, art from HD Wallpapers

I love Norse mythology. And I had been eagerly awaiting the launch of the sequel to the Vikings series that I had enjoyed binge-watching in 2020... When it was finally out and I made some time to check it out, I immersed myself into the saga of Leif and Freydis, children of Erik the Red, Prince Harald and his brother Olaf, King Canute, Queen Emma and Jarl Haakon to name a few of the main characters. I was surprised a colored woman was the ruler of Kattegat. Now, let's agree that a series deemed to be a historical drama about the Vikings is not to be compared to the fantasy of Game of Thrones (previously reviewed here). The storyline takes place a century after the events of the Vikings series that focused on Ragnar Lothbrok and his descendants. This chronicle narrates the beginning of the end of the Viking era. The viewer can still expect bloodshed, action, and clashes between different world views, between Christianism and Paganism, even though both share many common concepts. The question remains whether a colored woman ruled in Viking times in a small town in Norway. Keep in mind that Kattegat never existed as such and that this town is purely fictional and that there might have been colored people in the Nordic communities, probably brought back as slaves from the southern invasions. Historically, the Viking women were portrayed in several instances as holding religious authority, being medicine ladies as well as training for the military. This does not change the fact that they did not hold much political power and were still subordinated to the rule of their fathers or husbands.

Recurrent incidents in the past few years are blatantly showing that the LGBTQ+, BLM, and other communities are pushing for a "balance" that in reality is far from being one. To put things in context, I have dear friend friends who belong to these aforementioned communities. I respect and love them. They are free to do with their private lives what they please. But we need to be very careful to remain non-discriminatory to the white, heterosexual person like me. Is it normal, fair, or even legal that the BBC is advertising a training position "only to black, Asian, and ethnically diverse" candidates?! Is it acceptable that Dave Chappelle, a colored American stand-up comedian, and actor is attacked on stage over a trans joke?! Have you read about the release of a black superman?! I am sorry but this craziness has gone too far! It is essential to give out equal opportunities to everyone, to avoid favoritism and injustice, but this is surely not the way to it! We do not achieve tolerance, fairness, and justice by alienating and estranging White, Caucasians, short or tall, slim or fat candidates. If historically a role was played by a white, tall, and blond male, then the historic reproduction of that tale needs to be somehow accurate, or don't deem it to be historic. Because that is falsifying facts in the name of God knows what... and just to appease a portion of our communities by wrongly attributing roles to them because of their difference. We need to celebrate our uniqueness, but not at the expense of anyone else. Humans need to remember they are not the Creator and they need to stop playing God. Because no matter how hard they try, they cannot reach God's perfection...

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