The "Super Salmon Bowl" - Food Review

Friday, September 6, 2019

You already know by now that I am Gluten Intolerant. Thus, I can’t eat anything that has Gluten in it.

I have to add that I thankfully was not diagnosed with Celiac. Hence, I can eat outside, and also in restaurants that do not essentially offer gluten-free food. I only need to make sure that I notify them about my allergy, and ask for food that has no Gluten at all. As for those suffering from Celiac disease, they need to be more strict and only go for restaurants that offer 100% Gluten Free dishes when eating out.

In this article, I will be sharing with you my all-time favorite nutrient-rich salmon bowl at one of my favorite restaurants, Roadster Diner.

This bowl contains the following: freshly grilled salmon on a mix of rice, fresh chives, ginger, cucumber, baby spinach, sesame oil, and lemon home-style dressing. Topped with edamame, avocado, broccoli, and roasted sesame seeds. Served with light soy sauce on the side.

Gluten Alert: for those intolerant to Gluten, do not have the soy sauce with it, since it has Gluten! Switch to another sauce instead. For myself, I love the oil-lemon dressing they offer.

In addition, the restaurant does ask you if you want the rice hot or cold. I love to have it cooked and hot but the cold version would taste great as well.

This dish does not only taste great, but it also provides you with the best health benefits as it is rich in antioxidants, fibers, protein, healthy fats, and carbs, so what more could you ask for?


Pierre, the Healthy Foodie

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