The Lincoln Lawyer

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

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I had been waiting for Thursday, August 3. For a good reason. On this date, the final 5 episodes of the second season of The Lincoln Lawyer aired on Netflix. I wanted to know how the story would evolve. Season one is about letting the spectator know Mickey Haller, a criminal defense lawyer from Los Angeles, better. Over the episodes, we will also get to learn about his first and second ex-wives, both of whom remain important players in his professional and personal lives. Why is Mickey called the Lincoln Lawyer? Because he prefers working out of his vehicle rather from behind a desk. Season one starts with a broken man, recovering from a surfing accident who is handed the practice of a prosecutor and hence is being pushed back into a heavy load of work. His star case is a murder trial and he will do his best to represent Trevor Elliot, charged with killing his girlfriend and the man she was cheating on him with. The finale of that trial is predictable. But still, I enjoyed the storyline. It is when he starts dating chef Lisa Trammel in season 2 that law and love start to get mixed up. Mickey does not want to resemble his father who crossed ethical boundaries by conducting relationships with his clients. But will he be able to resist Lisa's charm and food? Will he take on her case? This is not Criminal Minds, How To Get Away With Murder, or Law & Order. It is a light and entertaining show that I think you will enjoy.

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