The Chicken & Egg Innovative Sandwich

Friday, August 2, 2019

For those who have been reading me, you know that my love for food grew with the fact of being raised by two amazing foodie parents and with my mother being the Blind Chef and my dad complimenting her cooking efforts.

Last year, and more specifically in August 2018, Sandwich w Noss, the Lebanese food franchise, announced a tournament for the best sandwich in Lebanon. Any Lebanese citizen was eligible to enter the competition and the winner would get the opportunity to introduce their sandwich within the franchise’s menu and get royalties for each sandwich sold in addition to a monetary prize.

Once I saw the ad for the competition, I sold my parents the idea that we should participate. At first, they were both hesitant because my mom is blind, which always hinges on some limiting beliefs. However, my brother and I managed to convince them to take a shot at it, and Guess what? They did!

I bet you want to know more about the sandwich, right? Let’s dive into it.


The Sandwich

The sandwich itself is a cold chicken sandwich made of some grilled chicken breast with a very creative dressing that involves a fusion between honey and the egg. This clearly makes it very different from the casual chicken sandwich.

In addition, it involves avocado, tomatoes, and lettuce.

As a first step, the sandwich got called to the second stage of the competition, where the chef behind the concoction has to prepare it to live in front of a qualified jury.


The results

My parent’s sandwich made it into the best 30 sandwiches and fell short of entering the finals because it was too healthy for the Sandwich w Noss concept. However, this competition gave my parents an unforgettable experience. In addition, it drew so much respect from the jury itself.

You can check my Instagram Post, where I announced my entrance into the competition and you can feel free to contact me whenever you can through Direct Messages.


Pierre, the Healthy Foodie

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