My views were acquired by reading many -opposing- reviews, and mostly by staying away from mainstream publications. You might wonder why, but to go to the bottom of any topic, I tend to check facts that are not conveyed by conventional broadcasting channels. For a review to be deemed scientific, it has to show principles of science, i.e. to focus on facts in a systematic or what I like to call cartesian way. I am not saying I am in the right, even if it seems so. But I digress. For the people who don't know me, I am not a TV person. I always had little patience to sit for hours in front of a box, watching so-called experts bash others to make their arguments seem more valid. That's mainly what made me give up on watching the news almost 2 decades ago. And since I prefer to read anyway, whenever I want to know about scientific, social, political, financial, or economic issues, I go to specific sources for information, where facts are exposed in a logical manner and are less related to a person or a group of people. I also look at controversial writings, to complete my info on a given subject and to be able to form my own opinion. This actually saved me from being engulfed in the planetary Covid (Corona Virus Disease) frenzy, not that I panic that easily anyway. Link to the Covid virus picture.
The so-called Covid virus is lethal. Or so we are told. And re-told. In the morning, at noon, and in the evening. In fact, whenever you check the TV, the radio, the papers, or Internet, you would see/read how doctors and politicians are begging people to take the "pandemic" seriously because there aren't enough beds available in the hospitals and/or enough respiratory machines to help the Covid infected. If you would get served such frightening news from the medical corps, the government, various "experts" and pretty much anyone who represents a figure of authority, you would end up telling yourself, maybe I should listen to them after all. They do want my best, right? However, when you stop and think on your own, without any such influence, you soon realize you are being misled. Big time. Because, and as the saying goes, "truth is available only to those who dare to question whatever they have been taught". And here I am. Beyond the craze. Asking questions...
How reliable is the PCR assessment? Let's begin with a simple definition. The Polymerase Chain Reaction analysis relies on the amplification of small amounts of your DNA to identify whether the sample contains the genetic material of a virus or any infectious agent. This method has been used since the mid-1980s mostly in criminal forensics and biomedical research. More details are in the Wikipedia article here. Kary Mullis, the inventor of the PCR technique, passed away in August 2019. He is unfortunately not here to confirm that the actual PCR tests that we undergo, in fact, cannot show whether we carry Covid-19 or not. He did even state that "PCR can, among other things, detect HIV in people who test negative to the HIV antibody test. [...] Human beings are full of retroviruses, we don't know if it is hundreds or thousands or hundreds of thousands. But they've never killed anybody before. People have always survived retroviruses. The mystery of that damn virus," he said at the time, "has been generated by the $2 billion a year they spend on it. You take any other virus, and you spend $2 billion, and you can make up some great mysteries about it too." (complete article here). The rational question that follows is, will this approach be efficient and reliable when it comes to singling out the presence of the Covid-19 virus? Several doctors dispute this. You can watch a video by Dr. Gebran AK here to know more. To note, most of the content is in the Arabic language. I also read several articles on how Coca-Cola tested Covid positive using a rapid antigen test. The claim was refuted by the manufacturer of the test because the MP who demonstrated his accusation did not experiment correctly. You can read the details here. A more recent story narrates how ice cream tested positive for Covid 3 times in China! More on this here. In short, many allegations dispute the results and statistics published by most countries, if not all.
Below is an infographic on the history of pandemics that speaks for itself (link here).