
Friday, August 13, 2021

Tahini is really easy to make. And it tastes so much better when you do it yourself!

I mainly use tahini to make hummus. You can add it to create sauces, consume it with a fresh salad or even as a cookie ingredient.

For a large jar (330 grams) of tahini you will need:
3 cups of raw sesame seeds
2 teaspoons of canola oil or any vegetable non flavored oil

Put the sesame seeds on medium heat. Make sure NOT to roast them. You will notice after 5-10 min that the seeds start to shine. That’s your cue to remove the pan or pot. Let the sesame cool off a bit before placing it in the blender / mixer. Blend a little and stop. When the paste has a thick paste consistency, add the oil and continue blending until you have a smooth liquid. Et voilà!

Bon appétit!

Feel free to share your pics and videos with me or to DM me for feedback 🙂

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