Superfoods - Blueberries

Friday, June 17, 2022

Another superfood that I really love is the blueberry. Could it be because my favorite color is blue? 😁 Joking! I actually love all things berries and these are specifically tasty to me because they are not naturally sweet.

What makes blueberries a superfood is their impact on our brain and heart health. Their pluses are the following:

- they are very high in antioxidants and rich in anthocyanins, which are phytonutrients and give the berries their color shade

- they are a good source of fiber, provide vitamins C and K, and also potassium

- they are packed with minerals such as calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, and copper

- they could help in combatting diabetes according to recent studies 

- although dense in nutrients, blueberries are low in calories: consuming a cup represents only 80 calories

And since it's summertime, at least at my end of the planet, I can enjoy them now in smoothies, jams, or cakes. Yum! It is important to note that, when consumed fresh and not from a frozen pack, the amount of vitamins and minerals provided is slightly higher.

Now that my blueberries are getting ripe, I will probably add them to my pancakes this weekend. I have previously published my recipe for the Lemon Blueberry cake. You can find it here. And also the Betty Crocker recipe for Blueberry muffins and bread. You can read the recipe here. All these are so yummilicious! So which will I make next? Shall I try a new recipe with the fist few blueberries I am harvesting this weekend?

Bon appétit 😋😋

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