Orchid Care 101

Monday, October 9, 2023

It took me years to finally learn how to properly care for an orchid. And apparently, it is something that is very simple... So I am sharing with you things I discovered and was taught.

Orchids are elegant houseplants in a lot of homes. They come in different varieties and colors and can grow in almost any habitat -except glaciers. Most commonly found in the tropics, they require little care and water. Still, if you do not tend to them according to their needs, you risk them withering and dying on you. Hereafter are the essentials:
- while orchids love light, they do not survive in direct sunlight
- lukewarm water is very much appreciated and be careful not to keep them in wet soil as their roots would rot
- orchids might necessitate fertilizer to bloom more: you can use an equal mix of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium when your plant is growing and avoid it when it is dormant
- if the ambient is too hot or too cold, chances are your orchid won't survive: keep temperatures between 16 and 30 degrees Celsius
- orchid thrive in humid conditions and still require good air circulation to avoid developing moisture and fungal issues
- when the orchid is done flowering, trim its stem to help future blooming
- remove yellow or infected leaves to contain possible disease(s)
- keep the plant in well-drained pots
- re-pot the orchids every couple of years using bark or moss-potting mix for better results.

The term orchid is derived from the Greek word orchis. It wasn't until 1845 that English botanist John Lindley coined the current denomination of this perennial plant. Orchids can represent various things for different cultures but in general, they are associated with feminine beauty, love, and luxury, and some species are used for medicinal purposes too. For instance, the Aztecs used to drink concoctions from orchids to grow stronger. Some believe that they can alleviate allergies, assist with sleep as they reduce stress, and increase productivity. While white orchids mostly symbolize purity, in China, they are linked to death and ghosts, and hence should never be offered as a gift. Red orchids represent passion, sex, and lust in Western countries, while the Japanese see it as a symbol of peace and prosperity and the Chinese consider it a happy and lucky token. In many cultures, purple denotes royalty and luxury. However, in Japan it's considered the warriors' color and portrays nobility and strength and to the Chinese, this color is the emblem of deep love. As for yellow orchids, in China. they indicate royalty when they are perceived as a manifestation of friendship and happiness in the Western world. Orange orchids are not common and they call for respect and pride. If you see blue orchids in a nursery, you should know that this is dye and most probably the next bloom will be white. The black orchid is the national flower of Belize. If you are into astrology, you likely know that orchids are the flowers of the Aquarius sign.

Happy gardening 🌱🌱

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