Lent Food Ideas - Part 2

Friday, April 1, 2022

I love vegetables... just not eggplant. This didn't deter me from making this quick and easy snack for my sister who was coming to visit me.

As an appetizer, the following ingredients are enough for 4-5 people.

This meal can be enhanced by adding olives or sliced mushrooms before baking it in the oven or the air fryer.



2 large and very firm, ripe eggplants

1 1/2 cups of plain tomato sauce. I use the organic ones my mother makes at the end of every summer

Garlic flakes to taste

1/2 teaspoon ginger powder

A sprinkle of chia, hemp, and flax seeds. For a maximized healthy boost, grind them

1 large cup of grated Emmental cheese. You can replace it with any cheese of your liking

Herbs to taste



Sprinkle the salt on the sliced eggplants to let them shed their water. Wait for 10-15 min. Wipe well. Flip and repeat.

Meanwhile, add the garlic, ginger powder, seeds, and herbs to the tomato sauce. Stir well.

When the eggplant slices are ready, place a tablespoon of tomato sauce mix on top of each one. Sprinkle the grated cheese on top.

Place in the oven or your air fryer at 200 degrees. Once the cheese has melted and changed to a golden color, your snacks are ready! If you are using white cheese, make sure the eggplants are not overcooked. They should be done within 10-15 minutes max.

Bon appétit 😋😋

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