Most of us quote René Descartes on his Cogito, ergo sum - I Think, therefore I am. So? What does it really mean and what am I referring to by using the term Cogito?
As per the Merriam Webster dictionary, Cogito represents the intellectual processes of the self.
Hence in this section, I include a first series on financial awareness by presenting complex concepts in a simple and accessible way. I additionally contemplate daily situations in "This And That". Starting January 2021, my FB campaign of “How Can I Help You” is now also published here and advertised on social media. Curious enough to know more? Feel free to read and comment 🙂
Yesterday, I wrote about nutrition.
Tonight, I am thinking of sleep.
This is another health concern...
I'm so chaotic when it comes to my own nutrition.
It's not healthy. And I am already witnessing some health issues.
How shall I address this matter?
It's a Wednesday evening.
After a long day at work, I can't wait to be home.
I just want to sit and let my mind wander...
Jetzt schreibe ich mal auf Deutsch.
Mal sehen, wie es raus kommen wird...
Bitte Verständnis dafür haben, dass ich schon sehr lange nichts auf Deutsch geschrieben habe :)
As I start my week, I am simply grateful to all my friends, who are always supportive and just a phone call away.
I am truly blessed and thankful to each one of you!
It's time once more for celebrations that last a fortnight... not the game, the number of days!
It's wintertime. And it has been raining heavily in the past couple of days.
Our infrastructure lacks maintenance and proper outlines in general.
Here is what happened today...
Sometimes I ride out at night and try to immerse myself in the mysteries of the skies, away from people and light pollution.
In those moments, the moon looks sort of magical...
My friend wanted to take me out on my birthday.
I said yes. And so we met in Ashrafieh after we both finished our sports training.
Read on for the review of the dinner.