For the Genoese pesto recipe, you will need the following:
1/4 cup of pinoli (pignons / صنوبر)
1/2 cup of grated parmesan (50g)
3/4 cup olive oil
1 garlic clove
1 teaspoon of salt
1 full cup of fresh basil leaves (stuff them in dat cup!)
A squeeze of lemon
Place all ingredients except the leaves and the lemon drops in the mixer. Blend until smooth. I use a Nutribullet blender as I find it practical and will make me fewer dishes later 😁
Add the fresh basil leaves and the lemon drops. Do not add too much lemon. Just a squeeze. Mix again. Avoid overmixing.
Et voilà! Your nostrils and taste buds are already in heaven?
You can store your pesto in a glass jar or consume it with some pasta and any other dish. Will share with you some more on this later.
Keeps well in the fridge for at least 2 months. If you will not consume it for a while, you can freeze the pesto.
Bon appétit!!