Fresh Fish Dinner

Friday, September 30, 2022

My friend loves diving and he fishes when he can. He had recently caught an abundant lot of lionfish, flute fish, and squid. And so he invited us for dinner. I am not a seafood person, but I absolutely loved it! Even the squid... He graciously provided the recipes for all he prepared. So here you go!


Fresh lionfish

Fresh flute fish

Fresh cuttlefish

1 avocado

2 cups of rice

1 spring onion

100 grams of butter

4-5 lemons for juicing

0.2 liter (about 200 grams) of crème fraîche

Sesame seeds, black and white, to taste

Soy sauce, to taste

Salt, to taste


Start with boiling water to cook the rice. If you are cooking 2 cups of rice, you will need 6 cups of water. Every once in a while, taste to make sure the rice has the consistency you want. For the dishes my friend prepared, the rice needed to be sticky and a little bit mushy.


Rice Bowl

Place a tablespoon full of the diced avocado in a small bowl. add the rice to the rim. Press gently for the rice to stick together. Flip the small bowl and empty it on a plate. Decorate with black and white sesame seeds. And some spring onion. This is now ready to be served.


The Sashimi plate was made of raw flute fish and cuttlefish.


Fish drops

The flute fish was used for this recipe. In your hand, create a spheric shape. Place one dice of avocado and a piece of fish. Add some rice and close the sphere well. You can roll it in your palms. Sprinkle some black and white sesame seeds on top of it. This is ready to be served.


Grilled lionfish with butter lemon sauce:

To keep the fish meat tender, marinate the cleaned lionfish in lemon and olive oil for at least 5-6 hours. Place on an aluminum baking sheet and cover with another sheet without closing it. Bake at 320 degrees for about 28 minutes. If you can, pour some more lemon and olive oil on the fish every 7 minutes while baking. This will ensure that their flesh won't get dried out.

The butter lemon sauce requires only 3 ingredients and will be ready within 25 minutes. Squeeze the lemon in a frying pan and let it glaze. Once all the liquid has evaporated, you will be able to see crystals in the pan. Add the crème fraîche to the pan and mix gently with a spatula. When the mix becomes darker, pour it into a bowl, and immediately add the butter to melt. Keep stirring until smooth. Et voilà!


I hope you enjoy making these recipes. They were absolutely delicious! Bon appétit


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