Food While Traveling

Friday, May 26, 2023

When you travel, the choices of available food are not always the best for your health and diet. What we are served on the plane is reputed to be insipid most of the time, even if airlines make an effort to serve healthy meals. The machines at gasoline or train stations offer sandwiches and other quick-to-eat items that are usually loaded with sugars and processed fats. Hereafter are some tips to eat on the go:

- keep nutrient-rich treats in your bag: baby carrots, small packets of almonds or cashews, fresh berries, bananas, apples, or any easy-to-peel fruit can do

- dark chocolate, dried fruits, bagged popcorn, or a home-made mix of these represent a healthy snack

- go for the plain Greek yogurt, a serving of hummus with fresh-cut veggies, or even oatmeal at the food shops at stations or ports.

I know the feeling of fast-food cravings when traveling. And it is ok to indulge in that every once in a while. If you still want to be conscious about what you ingest, how about going for some apple chips or crackers? And since food that melts and requires a cooler to be transported cannot be packed for the flight, you can still take some boiled eggs to be consumed within 5-6 hours no more, or some sandwiches to keep that hunger at bay without damaging you body.

Happy traveling✈️✈️✈️

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