Day 365 of Year 3

Friday, December 31, 2021

Bakachtattoo, Art


Tonight, on the third year and 365th day, I write the last post of the How Can I Help You campaign… The past 3 years have made this project evolve. I’m quite proud of what it has become. And also grateful for all the feedback I received.

Because life has always been a good teacher to me, and sometimes quite a tough one, it is time to close this chapter, which was rewarding in so many aspects, and to try something new.

It will obviously be something fun. Since the little girl in me loves making mistakes. For that’s how I can keep falling forward and grow I’m glad I took chances on people and on projects, and that I tapped into different aspects of things…

I will not bid you a happy new year but will bid the new year happiness in having you, and I will not wish you what people wish each other, but I will wish for people some of what you possess - for you are rich in yourself, and I am rich in you - Gibran Khalil Gibran

I don’t want to feel better; I want to know better. I should have known that God is not in the meal but in the sharing of the meal. I should have told you that holiness resides in needing each other, in acts of survival made generous - Julian K. Jarboe

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