Centipedes... Good guys?

Monday, June 13, 2022
Loki observing to decide whether to play... or not

I remember the first time I spotted centipedes on my tiny balcony. I had recently moved into my garden-level house and it was shortly before 5 am. The sun wasn't out yet and I was still sleepy. I noticed those dragon-shaped creatures in what seemed like a fighting ritual. It took me several moments to understand what was going on. These beings were centipedes. Not mini-dragons. Phew!

I researched centipedes to see what would make them leave the balcony without spraying or killing them. They looked creepy and I didn't feel like getting closer. I had found out that these arthropods are actually "good guys". Yes, they do have venom that they use on their prey. They are mostly harmless to us humans though. This also applies to cats and dogs. The diet of centipedes consists of cockroaches, flies, moths, crickets, and small spiders. While I believe spiders are nice to have around since they eat mosquitoes, I wouldn't want my garden to have too many webs.

There are several thousands of centipede species. They can be found in different environments, which can range from tropical rainforests to deserts. They prefer moist territory and one of the essential tips to keep them out of your home is to avoid having humid spaces, close points of possible entry, and remove anything that could be deemed to be clutter. You can resort to sticky traps to eliminate them. Remember that these fellows are shy and except for one of the numerous species, they are nocturnal. And shy. Centipedes are not Millipedes, even if they share a few things.

To sum it up, there is no need to be afraid of centipedes nor to exterminate them. There is usually no "single" centipede. So when you see one, keep in mind that his fellows are somewhere near. Because centipedes do not live a recluse life. And that's great: they will get rid of your annoying bugs in a breeze. Plus, you don't need to grill them for consumption as it is done in China and other Far Eastern countries 😉 

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