Caring For And Growing Azaleas

Monday, March 13, 2023

Link to the Komuroyama Park Azalea festival here

Spring is coming earlier this year... and some plants are already in bloom because of the mild temperatures and the sun exposure. My azaleas are not an exception in showing their colors. I had planted them last year as a multicolored hue all around the lower level of my self-watering vertical garden and I am happy they survived the short winter we had. Originally cultivated in China and Japan, azaleas are a type of rhododendron and most are perennial. They are usually slow to grow and come in spectacular colors and patterns.

Azaleas are low-maintenance. They are accustomed to temperate climates. They will enjoy a partially sunny location and the shade in warmer temperatures. Most importantly, their soil should be well-drained and acidic. Pine needles and mulch can retain moisture and provide nutrients. However, it's better to keep them away from the stem of your shrub/plant. You can add fertilizer to help your azalea get the necessary supplements but it's not a must. Remember to water your azalea but not too much since they have shallow roots. Too much water can lead to the decay of the roots and diseases. Azaleas are prone to pests and ailments and most can be treated naturally. Azaleas don't need pruning but you can do it after they have bloomed if you wish to reshape them. Be careful if you have children and pets around: azaleas can be poisonous as it contains andromedotoxins in both their leaves and nectar.

The term Azalea has its roots in the Greek word azaleos which means "dry". This might refer to the preferences of this plant to grow (see above). The azalea is one of the symbols of the city of São Paulo, Brazil. In Chinese culture, it signifies "remembering home and wishing to return to it". To the Victorian -British- society, azaleas signified temperance. To others, azaleas symbolize an abundance of beauty and intelligence, a passion that is still fragile, feminine beauty, or even a death threat. Yes, when offered in a black vase, azaleas are considered to be a menace, the dark meaning probably deduced from their virulence. Azalea festivals are held in many Asian countries such as Japan, Korea, and Hong Kong, as well as in multiple cities in the United States, and are a delightful sight. If you want to send a message of friendship, use yellow azaleas. For purity and perpetuity, give white ones. For kindness and positivity, several shades of pink are available. While orange represents success and joy, purple is for joviality, and red is for passion and romance.

Happy gardening 🌱🌱🌱

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