Care For Fuchsias

Monday, November 6, 2023

Named after German botanist Leonhard Fuchs, the fuchsia is a subtropical perennial flower that comes in beautiful colors. Most of its species are native to South America. Some of them can be found in Mexico, New Zealand, and Tahiti. One species, the fuchsia magellanica, also known as the hummingbird fuchsia or chilco, is indigenous to Tierra del Fuego and a cooler environment. Most fuchsias are shrubs but the fuchsia excorticata can grow into a tree that can reach 12 meters height or more. Some species trail while some are climbers and others grow upright.

From spring to fall, fuchsias bloom in bright, vibrant colors, and they are very decorative with their dangling flowers. They are called "lady's eardrops" in Lebanon and I used to marvel at their appearance on my maternal grandmother's terrace. It wasn't until I got some for my garden that I learned how to care for them. So when I was adding hues of red, pink, white, purple, and violet, to my garden's landscape, these gorgeous flowers made the top of the list of additional planters by the pergola.

Tips to care well for your fuchsia:
- most are sensitive to cold, so you need to nurse them in wintertime as they prefer temperate climates
- when grown outside, fuchsias thrive in partial shade although they need light and direct sunlight bothers them
- soil should be moist, not soggy, and well-drained
- add compost to the planter and slow-release fertilizer in springtime if needed
- pruning should only take place in spring, not in fall.

Fuchsias are not prone to pests and diseases. But they can get attacked by aphids or other bugs. In a previous post, I shared natural ways of getting rid of aphids - read here.

The most common meaning of this elegant flower is confidence, deep love, and boldness. Pink fuchsia flowers convey intimate feelings and represent femininity. Purple blooms symbolize new beginnings and sophistication. Red is the symbol of love and passion. Orange fuchsias are a manifestation of joy and enthusiasm. The white ones are associated with purity and innocence. As for the spiritual connotation, none is recorded historically and only some tarot cards interpret the fuchsia as a sign of good luck. In some cultures, fuchsias are used for their healing attributes to reduce inflammation, and treat respiratory problems, and skin conditions. One more reason to add this very useful plant to your garden is that it attracts hummingbirds. So what are you waiting for?

Happy gardening 🌱🌱🌱

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