Brain Foods - Ginkgo

Friday, April 9, 2021

Link to the Ginkgo cartoon here

Recently, I have had the curiosity to tackle the brain healthy food subject. For instance, nutrition is a very big part of the equation. As Dr. Daniel Amen says: “Fast Food Diet=Fast Food Brain”.

So today, I begin with a brain-friendly supplement series, starting with two spices. We will look into one this week and the other next week.  This series will be based on the interview of Dr. Amen, which I definitely recommend to be watched. Here is the link to the interview

And the first supplement we will talk about is ... Ginkgo.

Ginkgo is a large tree with fan-shaped leaves. It is native to China, Japan, and Korea, but is also grown now in Europe and the United States. The ginkgo tree is thought to be one of the oldest living trees, dating back to more than 200 million years (

Consuming Ginkgo supplements and/or Ginkgo powder can be very beneficial for your health. It is not only brain healthy, but heart-healthy and it supports vision as well! It contains powerful antioxidants and can help fight inflammation. It can reduce anxiety and help with depression, and is commonly used to treat headaches and migraines.

However, having too much Ginkgo can cause side effects and you never want that to happen. Possible side effects might include nausea, diarrhea, and some allergic reactions. Besides, it could adverse to some medications. So make sure to consult a physician before loading up on Ginkgo. Once you are cleared to use it, make sure your Ginkgo supplements intake is according to your doctor's recommendations!


Pierre, the Healthy Foodie

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