Aye! Soldier Bug Coming Through

Monday, August 21, 2023

They come in different shapes and colors: green, brown, black, or even red. And you probably have spotted them in your garden. Hence, the legitimate question: pests or friendly predators?

Soldier bugs are a type of stink bug that prey on caterpillars, moths, beetles, worms, and other insects. As big as a fingernail, they usually hide nicely in your greeneries and it is very possible to see them when one pays attention. The females are slightly bigger in size than the males. They lay around 50 eggs at a time and each requires about a month to mature. These bugs may suck on your plant when there aren't enough pests to feed on, but rest assured. This doesn't harm the plant, nor do the soldier bugs transmit any disease.

They are so voracious of the "bad insects" that some countries use them as biological tools to control crop-damaging pests. 

If you want to get rid of these bugs because they found your way inside your home -they look for shelter when winter comes-, please do so with natural means: nicotine water is one of them. To make your solution, mix 1/2 pack of cigarettes in about 2-3 liters of lukewarm water and let it rest for an hour. Strain the mix with a cloth to separate the nicotine flakes from the liquid. Add 1 tablespoon of detergent and pour in a spraying bottle. Shake well and use freely.

Happy gardening🌱🌱

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