Are Butterflies Pests Or Blessings?

Tuesday, May 31, 2022
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When I was much younger, my grandmother used to tell me that the white butterflies meant that my protecting angel was very near. Once I spotted a beautiful moth that spread a red velvety pair of wings and I was mesmerized by it. Grandma was adamant that it was my grandpa watching over me. We had lost him when I was about 7, and all I could remember was the special bond we shared. So grandma naturally built on that to tell me that story. Years later, it is still a joy to my eyes to watch butterflies go from one flower to the other. Because most are good to the ecosystem by being great pollinators. And some are considered agricultural pests. Especially when you refer to their caterpillar stage, where they can cause noticeable damage to your greens.

Spiritually, a white butterfly can mean the beginning of a new chapter in one's life, a sign from a loved one who passed away or from heaven/the universe, a good omen heading your way, that you are healing, or just peace. White butterflies have different religious meanings according to the various cultures. Yellow butterflies indicate a slightly different message. You might be on the verge of receiving an announcement, your mind will dig out a childhood memory, or you are about to experience a special spiritual moment. Either way, avoid catching the butterflies with your fingers: this can damage their wings. Remember to visually appreciate that sight. "And over it all, the butterflies swarmed, like a million yellow-petalled flowers dancing on swirling winds" - Steven Erikson, Novelist


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