Peanut Butter and Egg… A combination worth the try!

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Being a gym addict, I am in love with foods that are rich and macro dense, which means they contain different micronutrients at the same time.

I call these my superfoods, and today I will be sharing with you a very easy-to-make breakfast recipe that could help you kick off your day in style. So let’s dig into it!


First and foremost, this recipe will require the following:

  • A cooking pan
  • 1 tablespoon of Peanut Butter
  • 1 Egg
  • 1 Brown Bread Toast

Spread 1 tablespoon of your favorite Peanut Butter on a bread toast and heat it for a while. I usually use Jif Creamy as a brand because it is Gluten Free and I find its taste amazing.

In the meantime, pour some water into the cooking pan, start heating it and get the egg ready using just water. Once the egg is finished and cooked, it’s time for you to eat and enjoy it!

As a side note, I use a cornbread taco instead of a toast since I am gluten intolerant.

Now let me share with you the macros. Note that the count will slightly vary according to your choice of bread, but feel free to ask me to recalculate it for you once you choose your preference in terms of toast bread choices. For the gluten-free version of this recipe, the macros are as follows:

242 calories

20.3 grams of carbs

11.5 grams of proteins

14 grams of fats

Let me finally mention that in case you are making this breakfast for pre-workout, go for white bread toasts. They are a bit higher in terms of calories. However, they contain fewer fibers than brown bread and this helps avoid stomach cramps, especially if you plan on working your abs later on.


Pierre, the Healthy Foodie

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