Your Homemade Latte Made Easy

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Have you ever craved having a hot latte at home but you were not able to head to your nearest coffee shop and grab one?

Well, I have. Many times. That's how I became interested in learning how to make a latte that would suit my coffee cravings with the easiest equipment while staying at home.

Rest assured. You will only need the following ingredients to prepare an easy and healthy latte right from the comfort of your home.

  • Nescafe Gold or your favorite coffee brand
  • Candia Silhouette Skimmed Milk
  • Microwave
  • Hot water
  • Coffee Flask


How to prepare it

Pour some coffee (1 teaspoon) into your mug.

Add some hot water -above the middle of your mug, around 75% so you keep enough space for the milk.

Heat the milk in the microwave for around 30 seconds, depending on your microwave’s power.

Pour the milk into the flask, shake it for 30 seconds, and then pour the milk on top of the hot coffee.


What to expect

You will get a tasty, healthy, and hot latte cup, giving you a beautiful experience. However, the foam of the milk will be a little bumpy because it was heated in the microwave (see picture).

It won’t give you the 100% coffee shop experience, but I am sure you are going to love it and you are going to be surprised by how easy it actually is to prepare.

For those who love their latte flavored, you can add caramel, chocolate, vanilla, or hazelnut syrup to the bottom of the cup and then on top of it once it’s finished.

Last but not least, here are your macros for my healthy latte:

  • 5 grams of Carbs
  • 0.1 grams of Fats
  • 3.8 grams of Protein

For just 42 calories, you can enjoy a great healthy drink to boost your energy and keep you going!


Pierre, the Healthy Foodie

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