
Wednesday, September 6, 2023

It is the year 2048. Sam Bixler is a brilliant young scientist working for Telos in New York City. One day Sam stumbles upon a secret that had been well kept by the world's most powerful corporation where she is employed. She is now torn between remaining in her comfortable cocoon where Telos calls all the shots for her or infiltrating Project Alethea to find her parents. Two decades earlier, a deadly virus, Cato -not Covid- devastated the greater NYC area. Telos had stepped in and contained the outbreak with Gamma, a drug that harmed and killed many patients. Countless became addicted to that drug -not morphine or fentanyl. Was Clint, Sam's father, right about his "conspiracy theories" concerning Telos? She hasn't seen him in a while now and decides she will go for a visit to ask him about her mother's death. She was 16 when it happened. But now, and given what she had read, she was wondering whether Joan, her mom, was really dead...

Listening to this Audible book was a breeze. The storyline is interesting and somehow contemporary. The similarities with the Covid situation in most of the world as well as the frenzy that ensued are strikingly vivid. In March 2020, people were told that 2 weeks of isolation and lockdowns were necessary to flatten the curves. Weeks turned into months. Then came the mask mandates, followed by the needle injunctions for people to move "freely". Social distancing was the new norm. Too many were glued to their TV sets and phones day and night to remain on top of what was the largest misinformation campaign in the history of mankind to think critically. So many small businesses couldn't survive the non-sensical directives that were hammered out in the name of the greater good... What matters is that we act upon what we learn, otherwise, all the pain and suffering will be in vain.

This is a recommended listen. I am sure you will enjoy the narrative as much as I did. I hope you will draw the parallels that your critical thinking cannot miss! Read my article asking questions about the pLandemic in January 2021 here. Once you start connecting the dots, you cannot un-know or turn a blind eye to facts anymore. Will you have the courage to follow your intuition rather than remain the slave of your fears? Moreover, will you be a sheeple for the next upcoming round?

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