The series aired less than a week ago and I already received 3 notifications and several friends told me to give it a look... So I told myself, why not? A tale of spies and agencies, taking place in several countries. I thought it would be interesting to relax after work. I have so far watched 4 of the 8 episodes. But my attention is not quite captivated. Owen Hendricks, the lead character, is a young lawyer on his first week on the job at the CIA. He stumbles upon a graymail case that looks serious enough for him to start traveling around, the USA and the rest of the planet, in order to set things straight and avoid a big mishap for the agency. The rookie agent is all over the place and makes mistake after mistake. All well-intentioned of course. In a general atmosphere where most "employees" show no overt patriotism and who don't really care about ethics or legality. The third episode made me understand what the Lebanese were hyped about: part of that storyline takes place in Beirut, Lebanon and for once, my birth country is not depicted in a horrible way or depicted as a terrorist/rogue state. Yeah well. The plot remains generally slow. And I kept wondering, will Owen be able to pull it through? You might want to stream this series to find out ... or decide to read a good book instead.