Advent Calendar Day 17: White Quartz

Sunday, December 17, 2023

December 17: white quartz is a universal cleanser that can be found all over the world. It is used to channel and balance energies, and to remove blockages. Healers claim it enhances the effect of all other crystals. It is said that white quartz strengthens bones, relieves pain, and supports the work of the pituitary gland. Its healing properties are numerous: releasing negative energy and reducing stress in the body, increasing confidence, sharpening the mind, harmonizing the chakras, and remaining calm ✨

Spiritual leaders consider it a source of light that can trigger happiness and Mother Earth's gift in the metaphysical world. Some even believe white quartz crystals communicate with whoever is open and willing to the realm of the spirit. Hence, it will boost the intent of its bearer and can intensify the manifestation of general consciousness. You can program it to get rid of bad habits, sustain vitality, and raise psychic energy. Its clarity lifts the flow of positive energy and can help interact with other beings i.e. animals, plants, and other entities beyond the physical world we know ⚡️

When it comes to relationships, white quartz is likely to build up feelings while controlling obsessive emotional reactions. It makes it easier to heal a heartbreak and/or to get to the root of a problem to resolve it. Its soft and feminine energy can clear electronic emissions and purify karma. It could improve your immune system when combined with Lapis Lazuli, Tourmaline, or Jasper. For good luck, the combination of white quartz with Sunstone, Rainbow moonstone, and Orange Moss Agate is recommended. Use it to meditate to reach a deeper state of awareness ✨

Ready to discover a new stone tomorrow?

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