Review of another older movie, revisited. It is based on a limited series by Alan Moore and David Lloyd. The allegory, taking place in the not-so-distant future in England, revolves around V, a vigilante and freedom seeker, and an anarchist. An authoritarian regime rules the country. The people are tamed through propaganda and anyone who is regarded as troublesome is either imprisoned or executed. Despite many similarities with Orwell's 1984, both works display core differences. Whereas Big Brother is not known to the common mortal, the oppressor in V for Vendetta is a highly ranked politician. And his ploy is to have the population under constant surveillance, to implement a curfew at night, and permit only one television channel in the households. Are you connecting the dots yet? A virus hits America very hard in the tale... and in the name of the greater good and to curb Covid-19 casualties, we were sent on numerous lockdowns, economies were put at a halt, and absurdities were propagated as the "new normal" in the name of science. And we are still not out of the woods! It is common to restrict freedoms in times of pandemics, but how is Covid-19 one when the flu, strokes, and diabetes kill more than it?! We played the game and accepted to sacrifice our liberties in return for more safety, only to be faced with mandatory jabs and vax passes. Every few months, a new feature is added to the scam. The main tool? Fear. For ignorance breeds fear and when people are afraid, they do not reason. They are driven by their emotions. However, the push for a greater reset incited many to become more alert and reclaim their human integrity. Our species has survived many biological and other battles. It will also survive this one. We will overcome this and other viruses with our natural immunity. The core element to keep in mind is to stand up for our rights, keep voicing out the concerns we have, and maintain our human traits...