Nova Petropolis is a municipality in the state of Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil. It is another town which is a short drive away from Gramado. And being the most German town in Brazil, I couldn't but visit it and see what traditions had been preserved! It boasts charming Germanic architecture, natural spots that you should not miss, and a mix of culinary experiences to indulge in. Start at Praça das Flores -flower square- and walk over to the Green Maze -labirinto verde. Once you are out of the maze, continue your stroll toward the Monumento do Cooperativismo. Then ride or walk to the Parque Aldeia do Imigrante. This is a large property of about 10 hectares that showcases German culture and the history of the German colonization of the region. You can enjoy the landscape, a Biergarten, and shops for artisanal and colonial products. Other sites that might interest you: Parque esculturas pedras do silêncio where more than 80 sculptures portray professions and personalities from the daily lives of the immigrants, Ninha das Águias or Eagle's Nest Mount for a breathtaking view or to use the free fight ramp, and a guided tour of the Cervejaria Edelbrau, a typical German brewery that tells stories about the region.

After touring Nova Petropolis, it was time to head to Bento Gonçalvo. This town was created in 1875 and is one of the centers of Italian immigration in Brazil. It is known as the wine capital of Brazil and you can visit many vineyards to taste and buy locally made wines. A major tourist attraction of the city is the Maria Fumaça steam locomotive you can ride for a unique event. After the musical and historical flashback, I immersed myself in a journey through the Italian immigration at the cultural park that recounts the settlements in the region. Enjoy the curated gallery below!