Some days, you just wish the day would be simply over... at 10 am. Oh no! I'm in no way a Monday hater! All days are equal to me. And today, which is a Tuesday, was not a bad day. On the contrary, it started quite energetically: I was up at 6:30, took care of the cats, and left the house shortly after 7 am. By 8, I was at the counter of the first bank. Within the first hour, I had finished my business in the 3 banks I visited and was at my office. Shortly after I had gotten started to reply to the most urgent emails of the previous day, Monday had been a holiday and I hadn't touched my laptop, colleagues started to pop up, some to simply say hello, others to request assistance. Meanwhile, the teams in Africa required my attention as well and with the blink of an eye, it was past 2 pm. My stomach had started to chirp and I thought I'd deserve a 5-min break to have some food... and kept being constantly interrupted, either by the phone, an urgent request sent by email, my mobile, and some more visits. Hence, it took me more than an hour to eat my food. Somehow, that is good for digestion to eat at a slow pace, right? I then decided to check my Facebook account as I was consuming my food and... bam! An absolutely amazing picture took me off guard. It was magical. My energetic mood was gone. I felt drained and cranky. And even the rain that had started didn't make me smile. It was weird and I couldn't process my behavior and mood swing rationally. I reached out to 2 friends, one male and one female, one Lebanese and one German. The latter answered immediately and the other would get back to me several hours later. Venting out made me feel better and as I re-focused on work, the flow was back to its habitual rhythm. Getting things done is a very satisfying feeling and I started feeling grateful again. The negative vibes were gone and it is with that more positive attitude that I left the office around 7 pm and went for some shopping. Another way to end a packed and eventful day :)