Our daily lives are impregnated with many references to Greek Mythology: for instance, who hasn't heard of Nike, the Goddess of Victory, yes I am not talking about the sports brand here. Often, we mention the beauty of Aphrodite when indicating someone's physical good looks or Achille's heel when speaking of a weak spot, be it physical or part of a project for example... And so, after a stressful day at work, I decided to rest my mind while listening to this Audible book, while driving back home. And I simply couldn't stop! The narration is so enchanting that the characters almost felt alive. From the gods to nature myths, and demi-gods, and ending with the fables of Midas and Pygmalion, each story has its own appeal. This book is an excellent introduction to anyone who wants to know more about Greek Mythology. I especially loved the endnote of the author, stating that "the eternal struggle between the powers of light and the powers of darkness, [is] embodied in these simple stories, in a way that has branded itself on man's consciousness. Forever..." We still witness the entanglement of various energies in our current worlds, which explains that one cannot exist without the other.