January 8. Going To The Dentist

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

It's time. I rush out of the office, hoping that traffic will be fluid for me to make my dentist's appointment. His clinic is geographically close to where I work. And I manage to reach my destination right on the dot. Phew! I have good teeth. And I intend to keep them in good health. Ever since I moved back to Beirut in 2012, I have systematically undergone a yearly check-up at my dentist to make sure all is in order. See, my teeth are well aligned and have a nice color shade. I remember my surprise when I first went to this dentist and he asked me if I ever had orthodontics treatment. I was startled for a moment. The only intervention I ever had was getting 2 of my wisdom teeth removed because my jaw is too small to keep them in and they were pushing my other teeth out of their way and I would have ended up with crooked canine teeth. I jolted back to reality and just laughed and said: yes, it seems my parents were the ones responsible for this disposition... and went on to ask about the procedure of whitening my teeth, which he absolutely discouraged. I keep asking every time I visit him, and he keeps telling me he prefers the natural shade to an artificial one. And that's how, again in 2020, all he recommended was to keep brushing my teeth routinely and to visit regularly to make sure that all is in check.


Link to Going to the dentist cartoon

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