January 6. Connect With Nature

Monday, January 6, 2020

As I finish some house chores that had to be done because I like keeping my home clean and tidy, I check my watch and realize it's still 11:30 am. The weather is very appealing and I decide I will simply go for a ride towards the mountains. I'm a mountain girl. I love the skies and their textures. The smell of the earth after the first rain. The bright greens that you will not see during summertime. And so here I am, on the road, blasting my music through the car speakers and enjoying the drive. Luckily, not so many are driving in the same direction as I and no traffic hinders my way. As I automatically drive towards the village of my dad, my mind is whirling with so many thoughts I sometimes don't even realize one of my preferred songs has started to play and I have to restart it to listen to it from beginning to end and enjoy the momentum. Music speaks to my soul. It makes me vibrate and transports me to other levels of thinking, feeling, and sensing. Another consciousness (read the previous post). Once I reach my destination, I can't help but get lost in the sight of the snow-white peaks that are not that far anymore, the evergreen trees, and the peacefulness that seems to float in the air. The sense of quietness is simply amazing. I hurry out of the car and go to the cedar tree that is several decades old. I place my hand on its trunk, close my eyes and feel the ruggedness of the bark. I smell the tree while hugging it gently. I have a sense of calmness. And thoughts start swarming my mind. I'm deeply pained that so many trees and a huge amount of the wildlife in Australia have been turned into ashes most recently and I hurry back to get my phone and text my cousins and family living there to ask about them. Connecting to Mother Nature has more healing powers than any other man-made chemical I know. And we humans have mistreated it and abused it and destroyed it in such a short time. What a pity!


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