January 5. On Hypnosis and Consciousness

Sunday, January 5, 2020

When us nerds meet, we are bound to discuss topics such as astrology, history - ancient and more contemporary, politics, and human behavior. Speaking of which, we got started on the different levels of consciousness that my friend was interested to know more about. Technically speaking, consciousness is the human awareness of what is going on around us. This can obviously be a response to the environment as well as internal stimuli. Usually, our consciousness is subdivided into the subconscious, conscious, and superconscious. Starting with the subconscious, my friend raised the question of whether I would perform hypnosis on her to address a certain issue she was struggling with. We consequently got prepared to chill and relax totally, for her to let herself go and experience the dive into her internal world. As a quick intro, hypnosis is a trance experience where the attention is focused to permit fluid communication between the conscious and unconscious minds. It is important to note that, unlike what many movies suggest, no hypnotist can make anyone do anything they don't want to. So what we did were short exercises for her to get a feel of it. As a result, she already got pumped up with energy.. and was hungry. I was quite pleased with the outcome, especially since it had been my first performance in over a year. And so we had a big bowl of air-popped popcorn to discuss some more matters. Shout out to happy friendly, and yes nerdy, times!

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